Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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A Brief History of USDA Food Guides | Choose MyPlate

The history of the USDA nutrition guide covers more than 100 years of American nutrition advice. Guides have been updated from time to time, to adopt new scientific findings and new public health marketing techniques. Over time they have been described from 4 to 11 food groups. Various guides have been criticized for not accurately representing scientific information about optimal nutrition, and being overly influenced by the agricultural industry, the USDA is promoting.

Video History of USDA nutrition guides

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The USDA's first nutrition guidelines were published in 1894 by Dr. Wilbur Olin Atwater as a farmer bulletin. In the 1904 Atwater publication entitled Principles of Nutrition and Nutrition Value of Foods, he advocated variation, proportionality and moderation; measure calories; and an efficient and affordable diet that focuses on nutrient-rich foods and less fat, sugar and starch. This information precedes the discovery of individual vitamins beginning in 1910.

A new guide in 1916, for Young Children by nutritionist Caroline Hunt, categorizes food into milk and meat; cereals; vegetables and fruits; fat and fatty foods; and sugar and sweet foods. How to Choose Food in 1917 promoted these five food groups to adults, and the guidelines remained in effect during the 1920s. In 1933, the USDA introduced food plans at four different cost levels in response to the Great Depression.

In 1941, the first Recommended Dietary Benefit was created, a list of specific intakes for calories, protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin A, B 1 , B 2 B 3 , C and D.

Maps History of USDA nutrition guides

Basic 7

In 1943, during World War II, the USDA introduced a nutrition guide promoting the "Basic 7" food group to help maintain the nutritional standards under the wartime food rations. The Basic 7 food group is:

  1. Green and yellow vegetables (some raw, some cooked, frozen or canned)
  2. Oranges, tomatoes, grapefruit (or raw cabbage or green salad)
  3. Potatoes and other vegetables and fruits (raw, dry, ripe, frozen or canned)
  4. Milk and dairy products (liquid, yawn, dried milk, or cheese)
  5. Meat, poultry, fish, or egg (or dried beans, peas, beans, or peanut butter)
  6. Bread, flour, and cereal (whole grain, or enriched or restored)
  7. Enriched butter and margarine (with additional Vitamin A)

The Evolution of USDA Food Guides - YouTube

Four Basic

From 1956 to 1992, the US Department of Agriculture recommended the "Basic Four" food group. This food group is:

  • Vegetables and fruit: Recommended as a source of vitamins C and A, as well as a good source of fiber. Four or more servings of this group are recommended daily. Previous USDA food guidelines show vegetables and fruits as a unique group, each with at least two recommended portions per day.
  • Milk: Recommended as a source of calcium, phosphorus, protein, riboflavin, and sometimes vitamins A and D. Cheese, ice cream, and ice milk can sometimes replace milk. Four portions of this group for teens and two for adults are recommended as a daily minimum.
  • Meat: Two daily servings are at least recommended for certain proteins, iron, and B vitamins. Includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dried beans, dried peas, and peanut butter.
  • Cereals and bread: Whole wheat and fortified bread is highly recommended as a source of iron, vitamin B and carbohydrates, as well as a source of protein and fiber. Includes cereals, breads, cornmeal, macaroni, noodles, rice and spaghetti. With the Basic Four daily food guide, the recommended minimum daily allowance for the multiplied grain group from two to four. Prior to this, in the Basics Guide Seven, refined and un-enriched grains were put together with solid fats and sugar in a group of foods beyond the seven that mattered.

"Other food" is said to complement the food and satisfy the appetite. This includes additional portions of the Four Bases, or foods such as butter, margarine, salad dressing and cooking oil, sauces, jellies and syrups.

The Four Basic Guide is ubiquitous in nutritional education in the United States. A noteworthy example is Mulligan Stew, 1972, which provided nutrition education for schoolchildren in reruns until 1981.

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Pyramid Food Guidelines

The introduction of the USDA food guides pyramid in 1992 tried to reveal the recommended portion of each food group, which was not done by the previous guides. 6 to 11 servings of bread, cereals, rice, and pasta occupy large pyramidal bases; followed by 3 to 5 servings of vegetables; then fruit (2 to 4); then milk, yogurt and cheese (2 to 3); followed by meat, poultry, fish, dried beans, eggs, and legumes (2 to 3); and finally fat, oil and sweets at small peaks (for use sparingly). Within each group are some representative food shots, as well as symbols representing the fat and sugar content of the food.

A modified food pyramid is proposed for adults over 70 years of age. This "Modified Food Pyramid for 70 Adults" is responsible for changing the diet with age by emphasizing water consumption as well as nutrient-rich and high-fiber foods.


The first graph suggested to the USDA by nutritionists in 1992 featured fruits and vegetables as the largest group, not bread. The graph is reversed in the hands of special interests in the grain, meat and dairy industries, all of which are highly subsidized by the USDA.

"The 'Pyramid' emphasizes eating more vegetables and fruits, less meat, salt, sweet foods, bad fats, and mill foods rich in additives.The USDA is censoring a research version of the food guide and changing it to include more whole grains processed, meat, commercial snacks and fast food, just released a revamped version 12 years after originally scheduled for release. "

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In 2005, the USDA updated its guide with MyPyramid, which replaced the hierarchical level of the Food Guide Pyramid with colorful vertical slices, often shown without food images, creating more abstract designs. The ladder is added to the left side of the pyramid with a picture of a climber representing the urge to exercise. The portion of the pyramid allocated to grains is now only a vegetable and milk that is cut down narrowly, which has the same proportions. The next fruits are in size, followed by a narrow slice for protein and a small piece for oil. Unmarked white tips represent discretionary calories for items such as candy, alcohol, or supplementary foods from other groups.

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MyPlate is the latest nutrition guideline published by the US Department of Agriculture, which consists of plate and glass diagrams divided into five food groups. This replaces the USDA MyPyramid diagram on June 2, 2011, ending 19 years of food pyramid iconography. This guide will be featured on food packaging and used in nutritional education in the United States.

App. E-3.1: Adequacy of USDA Food Patterns - 2015 Advisory Report ...

Diet Guidelines

The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion at the USDA and the US Department of Health and Human Services jointly released a longer textual document called the Dietary Guidelines for America, updated in 2010 with subsequent scheduled revisions by 2015. The first edition was published in 1980, and since 1985 has been updated every five years by the Dietary Guidance Advisory Committee. Like the USDA Food Pyramid, these guidelines have been criticized for being overly influenced by the agricultural industry. These criticisms of the Dietary Guidelines arose because of the content decided by the Health Service. The recommendation phrase is very important and greatly affects everyone who reads it. His words had to be changed constantly because there were protests over comments such as "reducing fatty meat", which caused the US Department of Agriculture to stop the publication of the USDA Food Book. Few changes to dietary guidelines had to be made during the 1970s and 1980s in an attempt to calm emerging protests. As a compromise, the phrase was changed to "choose lean meat" but did not produce a better situation. In 2015 the committee considers environmental sustainability for the first time in its recommendations. The 2015 committee's report found that a healthy diet should consist of higher plant foods and lower animal-based foods. He also found that the plant-based diet is better for the environment than that based on meat and milk.

In 2013 and again in 2015, Edward Archer and colleagues published a series of research articles at PlosOne [1] and Mayo Clinic Proceedings [2] [3] which show that food data used to develop the US Dietary Guidelines is physiologically implausible (ie , not in accordance with survival) and therefore this data is "unacceptable" as scientific evidence and should not be used to inform public policy.

In 2016, Nina Teicholz wrote a critique of the US Dietary Guidelines in the British Medical Journal entitled A scientific report that guides US dietary guidelines: is it scientific? [4]. Teicholz suggested that "the scientific committee that advises the US government has not used standard methods for most of its analysis and vice versa relies heavily on systematic reviews of professional bodies such as the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology, which are strongly supported by food and drug companies. "

Whose input goes into the USDA food pyramid? - helvegr

See also

  • List of nutrition guides
  • 5 Days
  • Fruit & amp; Vegetables - More More
  • Nutrition fact labels

App. E-3.1: Adequacy of USDA Food Patterns - 2015 Advisory Report ...


Source of the article : Wikipedia
